
Heart Force


Nutraceuticals can provide many benefits for
cardiac therapy in pets. One benefit is the ability
of certain nutraceuticals to lower cholesterol
levels in pets, just as it does in humans. High
cholesterol levels in pets can lead to the
development of plaque in the coronary arteries,
which can restrict blood flow to the heart and
increase the risk of heart attacks and stroke.
Additionally, Coenzyme Q10 has also been
shown to have a positive effect on heart health in
pets by reducing inflammation and improving
heart function.

Another benefit of nutraceuticals for cardiac
therapy in pets is their ability to improve heart
function. Certain nutraceuticals like taurine and Lcarnitine
have been shown to improve heart
function in pets with heart disease. Additionally,
antioxidants such as Vitamin E can help protect
the heart from damage caused by free radicals
and can help improve heart function in pets with
heart disease.



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Heart Force